I was chasing a buttload of issues on my Miata, and after much discussion with friends and Internet searches, felt I had narrowed it down to my cat going bad. I called and asked for a quote, and the price quoted was extremely reasonable. I even ran the price past a friend who has years of automotive experience, and he said that was the best price he's ever heard. I took my car by on my lunch hour. Raul put it up on the lift and banged his hand against the cat. White stuff exploded off of it. He put his hand to the tail pipe. Listened to the engine running. He lowered my car and told me my cat was fine, but recommended that I take it somewhere for diagnostics, that the car was running really rich (which I knew), and it was something in the engine. He suggested the dealer for diagnostics, at a minimum. I was devastated that I hadn't found the issue, I was so sure I had. A brainstorm with the dealer's service department pointed to a possible stuck open fuel injector. I purchased a soundscope and took a listen -- that revealed one injector was not working right, but after replacing that, we looked down in the front of the engine and discovered the crankshaft pulley belt wobbling, which pointed us to a mechanic who discovered that the last timing belt change had resulted in the previous mechanic not torquing the center crankshaft bolt to spec. After redoing that work, and replacing damaged parts, my car is running perfect now. Raul was quite right. Something was indeed "wrong" with the engine. It didn't need a new cat. But he COULD have just blindly changed it... but his honesty helped us diagnose a far more serious issue. He was like a pointer sign on a two lane road in the dark. Thank you, Raul. I appreciate you and if I need muffler help, I'll be sure to come by your place again without hesitation.